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Making the World a Better Place, Now, and into the Future

Making the World a Better Place, Now, and into the Future

Connie Widmer's long-standing relationship with Northern Kentucky University began in 1975 as a new faculty member in the Education and Psychology Department. She had a great passion for educating her students and a great desire for helping her students achieve their goals. Connie has continued to look for ways to support students during her retirement.

Before coming to NKU, Connie served as a Sister of Mercy for nearly 20 years and taught at Edgecliff College (which was ultimately absorbed into Xavier University). Both these experiences aligned with her upbringing in the Catholic Church and solidified her interest in social justice, an interest which began as a little girl who helped her father deliver food and clothing to people in need.

Connie's approach to helping others is purposefully two-tiered. On one level, Connie works with various local organizations to serve the immediate needs of her community. On another level, Connie works with local and national organizations to advocate for law changes which promote fairness and opportunities for everyone.

When Connie and Firmin met, they had similar interests with regards to their faith and social justice interests. Connie says that she was the extravert and Firmin the introvert. It was no surprise when Connie and Firmin decided to endow a scholarship for students with at least a minor in Social Justice. Although Firmin is no longer with us, Connie is committed to carrying on their shared vision to ensure that everyone is treated with equality and dignity. Connie's bequest will add to the scholarship to enhance its impact for students.

If the saying is true that we can tell what's important to a person by looking at their last week's schedule, then we will certainly see that serving others is important to Connie. Connie has been giving through her time, talents and treasure to ensure that all are treated with dignity by promoting fairness and opportunity for everyone. Northern Kentucky University is eternally grateful to Connie and Firmin Widmer for their inspiration and enduring dedication to helping others.

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